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Beauty Blogs
10 skin tips for this summer

As the spring season wears off, it is time to let go of those jackets and layers and embrace the oncoming summer heat. Summers can be fun, bright and shiny, but also have a trying side to them. With summers, come dry or humid weather, sweat, dirt and grime, pollution and scorched skin. All these combined are designed to wipe that skin glow right off you. It not only hampers healthy-looking skin but also invites blackheads, rashes, and different kinds of skin infections. Skin infections, while temporary can leave a permanent effect in the form of dull and aging skin look.

To avoid the hassle of the cure at a later stage, let us look at the ways you can start caring and protecting your skin from the gruesome summer wrath. Some natural remedies and preventives can go a long way when It comes to skincare.

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5 reasons why you need that beauty sleep

Beauty sleep (n): Sleep considered to be sufficient to keep one looking young and beautiful. [oxford dictionary]. There you have it, the definition of beauty sleep. But the question that comes to our mind is are we sleeping sufficient enough. Most of us love the thought of hitting the sack; lying in our comforts and wishing for that inevitable moment when our eyes feel heavy and then go into a slumber. Sometimes, there is that unsatisfactory feeling that we haven't slept enough or we need more sleep so that I feel fresh the entire following day. But then, reiterating, how do we know if we have slept sufficient, or whether we had a beauty sleep. We often associate sleep as the time where our body completely shuts down along with our mind, the moment when we are in a different world altogether. Instead, a lot of processing, rejuvenation, and strengthening occurs of our body and especially of our brain. During the day, our brain processes an enormous amount of information. It processes too much data and information, putting it in complete overdrive. As a result, we feel burnt out. Research over many years has shown that usually seven to eight hours of sleep is required. However, beauty sleep paramount to the amount of sleep that allows one to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and is more important for the following five reasons:


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